PD Dr. Dirk Jancke
Optical imaging Lab


  • Jancke D, Chavane F, Grinvald A (2010). Stimulus localization by neuronal populations in early visual cortex – Linking functional architecture to perception. In: Dynamics of Visual Motion Processing: Neuronal, Behavioral and Computational Approaches, Masson G & Ilg U, Eds. Springer, pp. 95-116.

  • Jancke D, Erlhagen W (2010). Bridging the Gap: A Model of Common Neural Mechanisms Underlying the Fröhlich Effect, the Flash-Lag Effect, and the Representational Momentum Effect. In: Space and Time in Perception and Action, Nijhawan R, Ed. Cambridge, UK, Cambridge University Press, pp. 422-440.

  • Dinse HR, Jancke D (2001). Comparative population analysis of cortical representations in parametric spaces of visual field and skin: A unifying role of nonlinear interactions as a basis for active information processing across modalities. In: Advances in Population Coding, Miguel A.L. Nicolelis, Ed. Progress in Brain Research, Elsevier, pp. 155-173.