Conference Talks: WIAS and HU Berlin (2005-2011)

Early selected Talks at Conferences

  1. J. Geiser: Discretisation Methods with embedded analytical solutions for convection dominated transport in porous media, Numerical Analysis and Applications, June 29 - July 3, Rousse, Bulgaria, 2004. [lecture_naa04.pdf].

  2. J. Geiser: WIAS-HiTNIHS: Software-tool for simulation in crystal growth for SiC single crystal : Application and Methods, The International Congress of Nanotechnology and Nano, November 7-11, San Francisco, USA, 2004. [lecture_ianano04.pdf].

  3. J. Geiser: Mixed Discretisation Methods for Convection- Diffusion-Reaction-Equations with Analytical-Test-Functions, SIAM Conference on Analysis of Partial Differential Equations (PD04), December 6-8, Houston, USA, 2004. [lecture_siam04.pdf].

Selected Talks at Conferences, Colloquiums, Workshops, and Seminars

  1. Lecture in the Graduate-College for Nonlinear Analysis and Geometry, Mathematical Department, University of Augsburg, Germany : Modelling, Mathematical Background and Simulation of a waste-disposal for radioactive contaminants in a salt-dome, July 2004
  2. Lecture in the Graduate-College for Nonlinear Differential-equations, Mathematical Department, University of Freiburg, Germany : Discretisation Methods for Parabolic-Equations based on Finite-Volume- and related methods and Applications in Fluid- and Gas-Mechanics, October 2004. [freiburg04.pdf]
  3. Lecture in the Seminar for Scientific Computing, Center for Applied Scientific Computing, UC Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, USA : Simulation in crystal growth for SiC single crystal : Numerical Methods and Applications, November 2004. [llnl04.pdf]
  4. Lecture in the Seminar for Numerical Analysis and Optimisation, Mathematical Department, Technical University of Athen, Greek : Discretisation- and Optimisation methods for a Parabolic-Equation and application on simulation in crystal growth, December 2004. [athen04.pdf]
  5. Lecture in the Seminar for applied Analysis, Department of applied Analysis, Eotvos Lorand University, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Budapest, Hungary : Operator-Splitting methods and Discretisation of Parabolic-equations : Numerical Methods and Applications, May 2005. [buda05.pdf]
  6. Lecture in the Workshop for Analysis and Optimisation, Department of Applied Mathematics and Physics, National Technical University of Athens, Greece : Discretization-Optimisation Methods for Nonlinear Parabolic Optimal Control Problems : Theory and Applications, September 2005. [athen05.pdf]
  7. Lecture in the Seminar for Modelling and Computation, Department of Engineering, Queen Mary University of London, Great Britain : Operator-Splitting-Methods and Discretization-Methods for Nonlinear Parabolic Equations, September 2005.
  8. Lecture at Research-Seminar: Research Group Thermodynamic Modeling and Analysis of Phase Transitions, Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics, Berlin, Germany : Iterative Operator-Splitting Methods and Wave-Relaxation-Methods as effective Black-Box-Methods: Theory and Applications, December 2005.
  9. Lecture at ACDL-Seminar, Aerospace Computational Design Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA : Iterative Operator-Splitting- and Waveform-Relaxation-Methods as effective Black-Box Solvers for Multi-Physical- and Multi-Scaling Problems, December 2005. [mit_1205.pdf]
  10. Lecture at Humboldt Universitaet zu Berlin, Department of Mathematics, Germany, : Iterative Operator-Splitting- and Domain-Decomposition Methods for Multi-Physical- and Multi-Scaling Problems, February 2006.
  11. Lecture at 77th Annual Meeting of the Gesellschaft fuer Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik e.V. Technische Universitaet Berlin, Germany : Decomposition Methods for Parabolic Problems and Applications, March 27-31, 2006
  12. Lecture at Research-Seminar : Modeling, Numerics and Scientific Computing University of Erlangen-Nuernberg, Germany : Time- and space-decomposition methods as fast adaptive solvers: Theory and Applications in fluid dynamics, April 27, 2006
  13. 17 th International Conference on Domain Decomposition Methods St. Wolfgang/Strobl, Austria, July 3-7, 2006, Minisymposium of Martin Gander : Time-Decomposition Methods for Parabolic Problems : Convergence results of Iterative Splitting methods.
  14. 17 th International Conference on Domain Decomposition Methods St. Wolfgang/Strobl, Austria, July 3-7, 2006, Minisymposium of Ronald Hoppe and Ralf Kornhuber : Time- and Space-Decomposition Methods for Parabolic Problems and Applications in Multiphysics Problems.
  15. SIAM Annual Meeting, July 10-14, 2006, Bostoon Park Plaza Hotel, Boston Massachusetts, Minisymposium (MS 94) of Qin Sheng and Abdul Khaliq (Recent Trends in Splitting and Adaptive Methods for Differential Equations - Part II ) : Iterative Operator Splitting Methods As Effective Decomposition Methods For Multiphysics Problems: Theory And Application.
  16. Lecture at DMV-GDM Conference, March 2007, Humboldt Universitaet zu Berlin, Germany : Formal Solutions of partial differential equations based on modified additive and iterative operator splitting methods, March 2007.
  17. Lecture at 6 th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 16- 20 July, 2007, Zurich, Switzerland : Nonlinear Iterative Operator Splitting Methods, July 2007.
  18. Lecture at 6 th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 16- 20 July, 2007, Zurich, Switzerland : Seismic Sources and Waves using Iterative Operator Splitting Methods, July 2007.
  19. Research Seminar Optimization, (Prof. A.Griewank, Prof. Kummer), Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany, 25 January, 2008, Lecture with M. Arab: Modelling, Discretization and Optimization of CVD-Processes, January 2008.
  20. Workshop, (Prof. R.Nagel, University of Tuebingen, Germany), Encounters between Discrete and Continuous Mathematics, Blaubeuren, April 8-12, 2008 : Decomposition Methods, April 2008. [lecture_blau08.pdf]
  21. Seminar, (Prof. St. Vandewalle, University of Leuven, Leuven, Belgium), Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing, 4 th June 2008: Decomposition Methods: Theory and Applications, June 2008. [lecture_bruessel08.pdf]
  22. Workshop, (Prof. Ostermann, Univeristy of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria), Splitting Methods of Evolution Equations, 15-18th October 2009: Iterative splitting methods as time decomposition methods, October 2009.
  23. Seminar, (Prof. Roemisch, Humboldt Universitaet zu Berlin), Numerik stochastischer Modelle, 6th May 2009: Iterative splitting methods: Solver for differential equations, May 2009. [lecture_roemisch09.pdf]
  24. Numdiff 12, Conference in Halle, Germany, Splitting methods: Theory and Application, September 2009. [lecture_geiser09.pdf]
  25. AIMS 2010, Conference in Dresden, Germany, Magnus Expansion via Successive Approximation, May 2010. [geiser_dresden.pdf]
  26. Seminar, (Prof. Roemisch, Humboldt Universitaet zu Berlin), Numerik stochastischer Modelle, 7th June 2010: Iterative splitting methods: Extensions, June 2010.
  27. Seminar, (Prof. Roemisch, Humboldt Universitaet zu Berlin), Numerik stochastischer Modelle, 7th June 2010: Iterative splitting methods: Extensions, June 2010.
  28. Workshop, (Prof. Casas, Mathematical Institute, University Castellon, Spain), Seminar: "Splitting methods for differential equations", ), Lecture : Multiproduct Expansion Methods as Novel Splitting Schemes, September 2010.
  29. Seminar, (Prof. Schwalbach, School of Business and Economics, Humboldt University of Berlin), Invitation for a Juniorprofessorship, 6th October 2010, Lecture: Current Research (Convection Diffusion Equations) and Teaching Course (Black Scholes Models), October 2010.
  30. Seminar, (Dr. Fruehsorger, Research Institut, AUDI, Ingoldstadt), Invitation for a Novel Project with Dr. Liebau, Lecture: Operator Splitting and Parareal as Efficient Accelerator and Solver Tools, November 2010.
  31. Seminar, (Prof. Schimansky-Geier, Department of Physics, Humboldt University of Berlin), Invitation for a Project, Lecture: Decomposition methods for Differential Euations: Theory and Applications in Multiphysics, January 26th 2011.
  32. Seminar, (Prof. Andreas Waag, Department of Material Sciences, Technical University of Braunschweig, Germany, Invitation for a Project, Lecture: Modelling and Simulation of CVD and PVD Processes: Theory and Applications, February 10th 2011.
  33. Seminar, (Prof. Awakowicz, Department of Electrotechnics, Ruhr-University of Bochum, Germany, Lecture: Modeling and Simulation of Transport- and Flowproblems based on mathematical Splitting Methods, May 18th 2011.