Ongoing List of Topics and Literature

This entry contains a list of topics and literature. I will from time to time add stuff here. Feel free to suggest topics and papers you are interested in!

Possible worlds and SDL (session #1)

  1. How do possible world semantics in modal logic work?
  2. Standard Deontic Logic: what are the main ideas.

Seminal work in deontic logic: the limits of SDL

  1. Von Wright’s seminal paper on deontic logic

    • Von Wright, G. H. (1951). Deontic logic. Mind, 60(237), 1–15.
  2. Reducing Deontic Logic to Alethic Modal Logic

    • Anderson, A. R. (1958). A reduction of deontic logic to alethic modal logic. Mind, 67(265),


  3. Chisholm Paradox: do we need a dyadic deontic operator?

    • Chisholm, R. M. (1963). Contrary-to-duty imperatives and deontic logic. Analysis, 24, 33–36.
    • Prakken, H., & Sergot, M. . (1996). Contrary-to-duty obligations. Studia Logica, 57(1), 91–115.
  4. Forrester Paradox: is there a problem with possible worlds?

    • Forrester, J. . (1984). Gentle murder, or the adverbial samaritan. Journal of Philosophy, 81,


Why only talking about obligations and permissions? Supererogation

  1. Some ethical works …
    • Urmson, J.O. (1958). “Saints and Heroes.” In Melden 1958, 198–216.
    • etc.
  2. and McNamara’s semantics
    • McNamara, P. (1996). Making room for going beyond the call. Mind, 105(419), 415–450.

Beyond SDL: Contrary to duty obligations and more …

  1. Dyadic Standard Deontic Logic

  2. Deontic Default Logic

    • Horty, J. F. (2012). Reasons as defaults. : Oxford University Press.
  3. Argumentation and Deontic Logic

    • Beirlaen, M., Heyninck, J., & Straßer, C. (2018). Structured argumentation with prioritized

    conditional obligations and permissions. Journal of Logic and Computation.

  4. Input/Output Logic

    • Makinson, D., & Torre, L. v. d. (2000). Input/Output logics. Journal of Philosophical Logic, (29),


    • Makinson, D., & Van Der Torre, L. (2001). Constraints for Input/Output logics. Journal of

    Philosophical Logic, 30(2), 155–185.

  5. Carmo & Jones:

    • Carmo, Jos\‘e, & Jones, A. J. (2002). Deontic logic and contrary-to-duties. In (Eds.), Handbook of

    philosophical logic (pp. 265–343). : Springer.

    • Carmo, Jose, & Jones, A. J. (2013). Completeness and decidability results for a logic of

    contrary-to-duty conditionals. Journal of Logic and Computation, 23(3), 585–626.

More on permission

  1. An overview on permission types
    • Makinson, D., & van der Torre, L. (2003). Permission from an input/output perspective. Journal of Philosophical Logic, 32(4), 391–416.
    • Stolpe, A. (2010). A theory of permission based on the notion of derogation. Journal of Applied Logic, 8(1), 97–113.
  2. How do deal with free choice permission: an approach with truth-makers
    • Korbmacher, J., Anglberger, A., & Faroldi, F. L. (2016). An exact truthmaker semantics for permission and obligation. Deontic logic and normative systems, 16–31.

Applications to Moral Theories

  1. Utilitarism
    • Horty, J. F. (2001). Agency and deontic logic. : Oxford University Press.
    • Tamminga, A., & Hindriks, F. (2019). The irreducibility of collective obligations. Philosophical Studies,
    • Tamminga, A. (2013). Deontic logic for strategic games. Erkenntnis, 78(1), 183–200.

Taking actions serious

  1. Deontic STIT-logic
    • Horty, J. F. (2001). Agency and deontic logic. : Oxford University Press.

Dealing with deontic conflicts

  1. The problem with deontic dilemmas.
    • Goble, L. (2013). Prima facie norms, normative conflicts, and dilemmas. Handbook of deontic logic and normative systems, 1, 241–352.
  2. Non-standard semantics such as neighborhood semantics, multiplex semantics, etc.