allgemeine zoologie und neurobiologie


Visual field defects in albino ferrets (Mustela putorius furo)

N. Garipis & K.-P. Hoffmann

Vision Res., 43: 793-800, 2003

The extent of the horizontal visual field was determined behaviourally in 4 pigmented and 5 albino ferrets (Mustela putorius furo, Carnivora, Mammalia) using perimetry. During binocular vision, all pigmented and three albino ferrets responded equally well to stimuli presented anywhere along the horizontal perimeter in the central 180 degrees of the visual field. The remaining two albinos had a visual field defect in the right hemifield (>30 degrees eccentricity). During monocular vision, a significant difference between the visual fields of pigmented and albino ferrets became apparent. In pigmented ferrets, the visual field of each eye included the ipsilateral (temporal) and a substantial portion of the contralateral (nasal) hemifield. In albinos, the visual field of each eye was limited to the ipsilateral hemifield and reactions to visual stimuli abruptly declined directly beyond the vertical meridian.

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