1. Y. Khan and K. Schubert, "Ueber einige Strukturen im System
Platin-Zink-Kadmium", J. Less-Com. Met. 20 (1970) 266.
2. Y. Khan, B.V.R. Murty and K. Schubert, "Ueber die Struktur der
Mischung Platin-Kupfer-Zink", J. Less-Com. Met. 21 (1970)
3. Y. Khan and D. Feldmann, "Crystal Structure of SmCo5", J. Less-Com.
Met. 31 (1973) 211.
4. Y. Khan and B. Mueller, "Crystal Structure of Sm2Co17", J. Less-Com.
Met. 32 (1973) 39.
5. Y. Khan and A.H. Qureshi, "A Correlation between coervice field
structure of SmCo5", J. Less-Com. Met. 32 (1973) 307.
6. Y. Khan and D. Feldmann, "Ueber die intermetallische Verbindung
Ce5Co19 und den Einfluss von La auf ihre Existenz", J.
Met. 33 (1973) 305.
7. D. Feldmann and Y. Khan, "Magnetisches Verhalten heterogener
Legierungen: R5Co19+RCo5 (R=Ce, Ce-La, CeMM)", Appl. Phys.
(1973) 17.
8. Y. Khan and A.H. Qureshi, "Structure and Stability of SmCo5",
IEEE Trans. Mag. 9 (1973) 156.
9. Y. Khan and D. Feldmann, "Ueber die Konstitution des ternaeren
Systems Cer-Lanthan-Kobalt", Z. Metallkunde 64 (1973)
1O. Y. Khan, "The Crystal Structures of R2Co17 Intermetallic Compounds",
Acta Cryst. B29 (1973) 2502.
11. Y. Khan, "Intermetallic Compounds in the Cobalt-rich Part of the R-
Cobalt systems (R=Ce, La, Ce-La)", J. Less-Com. Met. 34
(1974) 191.
12. Y. Khan, "Variation of Lattice Parameters with Composition of the
RCo5 Permanent Magnets", Phys. Stat. Sol. a21 (1974) 69.
13. Y. Khan, "A Contribution to the Sm-Co Phase Diagram", Acta Cryst.
B30 (1974) 1913.
14. G. Dworschak and Y. Khan, "A Contribution to the magnetic
Properties of the RCo5 intermetallic Compounds", J. Phys.
Chem. Sol. 35 (1974)1021.
15. Y. Khan, "The Crystal Structure of R5Co19", Acta Cryst.
B30 (1974)153.
16. Y. Khan, "Variation of Period with Valence-Electron-Concentration
in RTy one-dimensional long period super structures (R=Rare
including Y, Th and Pu, T=Fe, Co and Ni, 2 = y < 5)",
Phys. Stat.
Sol. a23 (1974) 425.
17. Y. Khan, "Ueber die Konstitution der R-T Systeme (R = Lanthanide+Y,
T = Fe, Co and Ni)", Z. Metallkunde 65 (1974) 489.
18. Y. Khan, "The Effect of Crystal Defects on the Magneto-crystalline
Anisotropy of the R-Co Permanent Magnet Materials", Phys.
Sol. a23 (1974) K151
19. Y. Khan, "On the Constitution of the Intermetallic R-T binary
Systems", Proc. 11th Rare Earth Conf., Vol. 2, (1974)
20. Y. Khan and A.H. Qureshi, "On the Thermal Decomposition of
SmCo5+x", Phys. Stat. Sol. a28 (1975) 169.
21. Y. Khan, K. Nahm, M. Rosenberg and H. Willner, "Superconductivity
and Semiconductor-Metal Phase Transition in the Systems
BaPb(1-x)Bi(x)O3", Phys. Stat. Sol. a39 (1977) 79.
22. Y. Khan and E. Kneller, "Structure and Magnetic Moment of
Zn-substituted r-Iron Oxide", J. Magnetism and Magnetic
7 (1978) 9-11.
23. Y. Khan and M. Sostarich, "Dynamic Temperature X-Ray Diffraction
Analysis of the Amorphous Fe80B20 Alloy", Z. Metallkunde
72 (1981) 266.
24. Y. Khan, E. Kneller and M. Sostarich, "Stability and Crystalli-
zation of Amorphous Iron-Boron Alloys obtained by Quenching
from the Melt", Z. Metallkunde 72 (1981) 553.
25. Y. Khan, E. Kneller and M. Sostarich, "The Phase Fe3B",
Z. Metallkunde 73 (1982) 624.
26. M. Sostarich and Y. Khan, "Stability and Crystallization Behaviour
of Amorphous Fe90Zr10 alloy", Z. Metallkunde 73 (1982)
27. Y. Khan and V. Geiss, "Glass-Forming Ability of the Melt-Quenched
(Fe1-yNiy)3 Alloys, Z. Metallkunde 74 (1983) 317.
28. Y. Khan, "Crystallization Behaviour of the Melt-Quenched
(Fe1-yNiy)3B Alloys", Z. Metallkunde 74 (1983) 385.
29. Y. Khan, T. Abbas and S.A. Shaheen, "Dynamic Temperature Crystal-
lization in the Liquid-Quenched Amorphous Co79B21 Alloy",
J. Mat. Sci. Let., 3(1984)319.
30. E. Kneller, Y. Khan, V. Geiss and J. Vosskaemper, "Effect of
Preparation on Structure and Crystallization of amorphous
Z. Metallkunde 75 (1984) 699.
31. P. Deppe, Y. Khan, M. Rosenberg, M. Sostarich and A. Schoene-
Warnfeld,"A Moessbauer and Magnetic Study of Glassy and
line Fe-Ni-Zr Alloys", Rapidly Quenched Metals, Ed. S.
Steeb and
H. Warlimont (1985) 1223.
32. Y. Khan, "A Microcomputer-controlled Guinier-Lenne Type Dynamic
Temperature X-Ray Diffraction Camera", J. Phys: Sci. Instru.
(1985) 1054.
33. E. Kneller, Y. Khan and U. Gorres, "The Alloy System Copper-
Zirkonium I. Phase Diagram and Structural Relations",
Z. Metall-
kunde 77 (1986) 43.
34. E. Kneller, Y. Khan and U. Gorres, "The Alloy System Copper-
Zirkonium II. Crystallization of the Glass from Cu70Zr30
Cu26Zr74", Z. Metallkunde 77 (1986) 152.
35. Y. Khan, "Reminiscent Devitrification of the amorphous Co82B18
alloy", J. Non-Cryst. Solids 86 (1986) 137.
36. Y. Khan, "High Temperature Superconductivity (Tc=66K) in the
Sr(x)La(2-x)CuO4 Perovskite", J. Mat. Sci. Let. 6 (1987)
37. Y. Khan and M. Sostarich, "Crystallization Characteristics of
Fe-Zr Glasses around the Composition Fe90Zr10", J. Mat.
Sci. Let.
6 (1987) 1223.
38. Y. Khan, "A Versatile, Powerless Liquid Nitrogen Level Detector",
J. Phys. E: Sci. Instru., 20 (1987) 600.
39. E. Kneller and Y. Khan, "The Phase Fe2B", Z. Metallkunde,
78(1987) 825.
40. Y. Khan, "High-Temperature (Tc = 97K) and High Current (Ic=300mA)
Ba-Y-Cu-Oxide Superconductor", J. Mat. Sci. Let. 6 (1987)
41. Y. Khan and H. Wibbeke, "Crystal Structures of the Fe-rich Fe-
Borides", Proc. 9th Int. Symp. Boron, Borides and related
pounds,Sept (1987).
42. Y. Khan, "Hochtemperatur Supraleiter", Technologie & Managment
3 (1987) 34.
43. Y. Khan, "High Temperature Superconductivity (Tc = 50) in the
Sr(x)La(1-x)CuO3 of a new type", J. Mat. Sci. Let. 6 (1987)
44. Y. Khan, "High Temperature Superconductivity (Tc = 135K) in
K(.2)Ba(.5)Y(.3)CuO3", J. Mat. Sci. Let. 7 (1988) 53.
45. Y. Khan, "High Temperture (Tc = 102K) Ba (2/3)Y(1/3)CuO Super-
conductor", J. Mat. Sci. Let. 7 (1988) 221.
46. Y. Khan and H. Wibbeke, "Do Quasi-Crystals exist in the Mn-Al
System", J. Mat. Sci. Let. 7 (1988) 314.
47. Y. Khan, "Strontium-substituted High Temperature Single Phase
Superconductor", J. Mat. Sci. Let. 7 (1988) 374.
48. Y. Khan, "Giant Thermoelectric Power of the High Temperature
Ba-Sr-Y-Cu-oxid Superconductor", J. Mat. Sci. Let. 7 (1988)
49. Y. Khan, "The Superconducting Structure Series
A(m)A(n-m)B(n)0(3n-e)",J. Mat. Sci. Let., 8 (1989) 249.
50. Y. Khan and R. Hawig, "A metastable BCC Si-Substituted Pd Solid
Solution", J. Phys. F (Met. Phys.) 1 (1989) 673.
51. Y. Khan, "Dynamic Temperature Crystallization Behaviour of
amorphous and liquid Mg70Zn30 Alloy", J. Mat. Sci. 24
(1989) 963.
52. E. Kneller, Y. Khan, C.Du and B. Froechte, "Non-isothermal Crystal-
lization in glass-forming Alloys at Scan rates from .01
K/s to
1000000 K/s", Z. Metallkunde 80 (1989) 774.
53. S. Bhan, Y. Khan and B. Rothaemel, "Effect of Furnace Atmosphere
on the high-Tc Bi(Pb)-Sr-Ca-Cu-O Superconductor", Supercond.
Technol. 2 (1989) 265.
54. Y. Khan, "Temperaturmessungen an Gluehfaden der CEAG-Leuchtstoff-
lampen Super EX", BBC Proc. of EX-Experts Seminar, Schloss
heim, Germany, (1989) 14.
55. R. Kubiak, K. Westerholt, G. Pelka, H. Bach and Y. Khan, "Pressure
Dependence of the Superconducting Transition Temperature
of Bi-
and Tl- based high Tc superconductors", Physica C, 166
(1990) 523.
56. Y. Khan, "Magnetic Properties and Crystallization Behaviour of
amorphous Sm(x)(Co.75B.25)(100-x) Permanent Magnetic Materials",
J. Mag. & Magnet. Mat. 86 (1990) L143.
57. B. Froechte, Y. Khan and E. Kneller, "A Simple High Speed Calori-
meter", Rev. Sci. Instrum., 61 (1990) 1954.
58. Y. Khan, "Dynamic Temperature X-Ray Diffraction Analysis of the
amorphous permanent magnetic Alloy Nd4.4Fe77.8B17.8",
Sci. Intern. 2 (1990) 173.
59. Y. Khan, "Phases obtained by continuous heating of the amorphous
permanent magnet alloy Nd4.4Fe77.8B17.8", Phys. Stat.
Sol. 122
(1990) K1.
60. Y. Khan and P. Lemannczick, "Preparation and Solubility (in
Chlorobenzene) of the superconducting organic compound
(BEDT-TTF)2I3", J. Mat. Sci. Lett., 10 (1991) 193.
61. Y. Khan, "A simple HF-Resonance Sensor for rapid, contactless
detection of magnetic and superconducting transitions",
Proc. 5th
Intern. Exhibition & Congress, Nuernberg (Germany),
62. V. Muehlhaus and Y. Khan, "High Frequency Series Resonance
Investigations of Bulk High Tc Superconductors in the
Range 50-300 K", Sci. Intern. 3 (1991) 1.
63. R. Hawig, Y. Khan and H. Wibbeke, "Magnetische, elektrische Eigen-
schaften und Kristallisationsverhalten amorpher Nb(x)Fe76B(24-x)-
Legierungen", Z. Metallkunde 82 (1991) 646.
64. Y. Khan and H. Wibbeke, "Formation of the Tau-Phase in the Fe-B
Alloys", Z. Metallkunde, 82(1991)703.
65. Y. Khan and T. Abbas, "Thermomagnetic analysis of the Co(100-x)B(x)
metallic glasses", Phys. Stat. Sol.(a) 125 (1991) K105.
66. V. Muehlhaus and Y. Khan, "Contactless resistivity measurement with
the high frequency series resonance method", Rev. Sci.
67. Y. Khan, E. Kneller, G. Ross and B. Froechte, "A simple photo-
electric system for instantaneous, contactless temperature
ment", Sci. Intern., 3(1991)107.
68. Y. Khan, "Tl-based High Temp Superconducting Structure Series I:
Tl2BaCa(l-1)Cu(i)O2(l+2)", Sci. Intern., 3(1991)253.
69. Y. Khan, "New B.C.C. Three Dimensional A2-type
Zr(2-x)Fe(14-y)Si(y)B(z) Superstructures", Phys. Stat.
70. Y. Khan and R. Hawig, "Thermal Analysis and longtime Stability of
amorphous Co(100-x)B(x) Alloys", J. Therm. Anal., 38(1992).
71. T. Abbas, Y. Khan, Mushtaq Ahmad and Shahid Anwar, "X-Ray Diffrac-
tion Study of the Cation Distribution in the Mn-Zn-Ferrites",
Solid State Commun., 82(1992)701.
72. R. Hawig, Y. Khan and E. Kneller, "Crystallization and Thermal Pro-
perties of Pd-Si Alloys in the Glass Range ( 14<x<26
Z. Metallkde., 83(1992)630.
73. Y. Khan, "Crystallography of Quasi-Crystalline Phases",
Sci. Int., 4(1992)125.
74. Y. Khan and R. Wang, "High Curie Temperature Incommensurate Nd(FeB)6
Ferromagnetic Compound", Phys. Stat. Sol.(a), 135(1993)K39.
75. Y. Khan, "Structure and Crystallization Behaviour of Amorphous
Bi.96Pb.24SrCaCu1.6O5 High Temperature Superconductor
J. Mat. Sci. Lett., 12(1993)482.
76. E. Kneller, C. Du, D. Duempelmann, B. Froechte, Y. Khan and
M. Sostarich, "Glass Temperature and Solid-Liquid Transition
Metallic Glasses", Z. Metallkde., 84(1993)8.
77. Y. Khan, R. Wang and E. Kneller, "Structure and Magnetic Properties
of New bcc A2-type based Superstructures in R-Fe-B Systems",
Z. Metallkde., 84(1993)12.
78. Y. Khan, "Stabilization and Crystallization Behaviour of the Amor-
phous Bi.96Pb.24SrCaCU1.6O5 High Temperature Superconductor
Material", J. Thermal Anal., 41(1994)945.
79. Y. Khan, E. Kneller and R. Wang, "Structure and Magnetic Properties
of Nd(FeB)n for 2<n<8: Evidence of Eigen Curie Temp
Magnetic Sub-
lattices", Phys. Stat. Sol.(a), 142(1994)499.
80. Y. Khan, "Structure of X-ray diffraction halo of amorphous materials",
Phys. Rev. B, 2004, in preparation.
Following compounds discovered by me included in
"International Center for Diffraction Data File ( JCPDS FILE )"
1) Fe2B
2) Fe3B
3) Fe3B
4) Al(Mn)
5) MgZn
6) Pd(Si)
7) Sr(.2)La(.8)CuO3-x
8) Ba(.67)Y(.33)CuO3-x
9) Ba3La4Cu7O21-x
10) BaLa6Cu7O21-x
11) BaLaCu2O6-x
12) BaLaCu3O9-x
13) Fe21.99(Nb.167B.833)6
14) Sm4Co72B24
15) Nd4.4Fe77.8B17.8
16) Nd4.4Fe77.8B17.8
17) ZrFe12Si2B
18) Zr2Fe12Si2B2
19) Zr2Fe12Si2B
20) Nd(FeB)6
1. Goldschmidt Rare Earth Meeting, Essen, August 1972 (Lecture).
2. NATO Advanced Study Institute Analysis and Application of Rare
Earth Materials, Kjeller(Norway), August 1972.
3. Intermag Conf., Washington D.C.(USA), April 1973 (Lecture).
4. Hauptversammlung der Deutschen Gesellschaft fuer Metallkunde,
Villach (Austria), June 1973 (Lecture).
5. Hartmagnetische Materialien, Tech. Akad. Esslingen,
September 1973 (lecture).
6. 11th Rare Earth Conf., Michigan (USA), October 1974 (Lecture).
7. International Workshop on Rare Earth Cobalt Permanent Maagnets,
Dayton (USA), October 1974.
8. Semiconductor International, Wiesbaden, March 1975.
9. Raster-Elektronenmikroskopie and Mikrobereichanalyse, Techn.
Akad. Esslingen, March 1975.
10. Praxis der Rechnerunterstuetzen Grossintegration mit MOS-Schal-
tungen, Universitaet Dortmund, September 1975.
11. Ferienkurs Ueber Festkoerpermagnetismus, Kernforschungsanlage
Juelich, March 1976
12. Conf. on Rare Earth Permanent Magnet Materials, Bad Honnef,
April 1976 (Lecture).
13. Educational, scientific Tour ( on behalf of the Ruhr University
Bochum ) to different universities in the near and middle
countries, October-December 1976.
14. 5th Intern. Conf. Rapidly quenched Metals, Wuerzburg,
September 1984 (Lecture).
15. 9th Intern. Symp. Borides and related compounds, Duisburg,
September 1987 (Lecture).
16. 1st National Course on Materials Science, B.Z. University,
Multan, Pakistan, March 1989 (Lecture).
17. Ex-Sachverstaendiger-Seminar, Schloss Heinsheim, Germany,
October 1989 (Lecture).
18. 2nd Intern. Workshop on Silicon Pixel Detectors for Particles & X-Rays,
IMEC, Leuven (Belgium), June 1990.
19. 5th Intern. Exhibition and Congress for Sensoric and System-
technichs (Sensor 91), Nuernberg, May 1991 (Lecture).
20. German-Chinese Binational Congress on Rare Earth Magnets,
Peking, China, June 1992 (Lecture).
21. First National Workshop on Magnets and Magnetic Materials,
Islamabad, Pakistan, April 1994 (Lecture).
22. Seminar on "Semiconductor Heterocontacts", Werkstoffe Elektrotechnik,
Ruhr University Bochum, February 1995 (Lecture).
23. Ringvorlesung "Halbleiterdetektoren in Physik & Astronomie", SoSe
Ruhr University Bochum.
1. W. Stachowitz, "Construction of an Electrical Instrument
for the Intensity Measurement of X-Ray Diffraction Patterns",
IWE, Ruhr University Bochum (RUB), 1977.
2. H. Guenther, "Magnetic Properties of the Zn-substituted Iron-
oxide Pigments for Magnetic Recording", IWE, RUB, 1978.
3. P. Weier, "Thermal Decomposition of the Lanthanide-Cobalt
Permanent Magnets", IWE, RUB, 1978.
4. R. Wiesmeier, "Influence of the Stoichiometric Deviations on
the Structure and Magnetic Moments of Ferrites: MO.Fe2O3
(M=Divalent Co,Ni,Zn ions)", IWE, RUB, 1978.
5. H. Vu Huu, "Comparison between Hexaferrites (with M-Structure)
Prepared by Wet-Chemical Methods and Solid State Reactions",
IWE, RUB, 1979.
6. R. Begemann, "Construction of a Multiplex Moessbauer Spectrometer
with Calibration and Computer Fit for Moessbauer Patterns
Magnetic Oxides", IWE, RUB, 1979.
7. R. Schindler, "Construction of a Microprocessor for an X-Ray
Fluorescence Spectrometer", IWE, RUB, 1979.
8. J. Harms, "Construction of a Microprocessor for an X-Ray
Diffractometer", IWE, RUB, 1979.
9. H. J. Hotze, "Preparation and Characteristics of sputtered,
conducting thin Films of BaPb(1-x)Bi(x)O3 Solid Solutions",
IWE, RUB, 1980.
10. L. Loreck, "Electrical Properties of the b-Alumina Type Solid
State Electrolytes", IWE, RUB, 1984.
11. M. Steiner, Crystallization Diagram of Sputtered Amorphous
Cobalt-Boron Alloys", IWE, RUB, 1984.
12. R. Hawig, "Variation of Physical Properties of Amorphous
(Fe.5Ni.5)75B25 Alloys through Preparation Conditions
after Heattreatment", IWE, RUB, 1985.
13. B. Froechte, "States of Liquid Quenched Boron-Iron Aloys at the
Amorphous-Crystalline Transition", IWE, RUB, 1985.
14. M. Schaefer, "Microphotometric Stuy of Dynamic Temperature X-Ray
Diffraction Patterns of Amorphous Alloys", IWE, RUB, 1985.
15. J. Tiemann, "A Control and Regulation Program for a High-
Temperature High-Pressure Hydrostatic Press", IWE, RUB,
16. G. Ross, "Preparation and magnetic Properties of Sputtered
Rare Earth 3d-Transition Metal Alloys", IWE, RUB, 1989.
17. R. Wang, "Measurement of Electrical Resistivities of Glass-
forming Alloys from 27C to their Melting Tempratures",
IWE, RUB, 1990.
18. D. Duempelmann, "Construction of a High Speed Calorimeter and
Measurement of the thermal Properties of Metallic Glasses",
IWE, RUB, 1990.
19. D. Schwietering, "Investigations of Crystallization Kinetic
of Fe-B based Glasses with dc-electrical Resistivity Method",
IWE, RUB, 1991.
1. U. Gorres, "Amorphous Zirconium-Copper Alloys",
Dissertation, Ruhr University Bochum, 1983.
2. B. Froechte, "Investigations of Crystallization Kinetic and
Solid-Liquid Phase Transitions of metallic Glasses with
newly developed High Speed Calorimeter",
Dissertation, Ruhr University Bochum, 1990.
3. R. Hawig, "A Contribution to Microstructure Synthesis of
Permanent Magnetic Materials prepared through Crystallization
from the Amorphous State",
Dissertation, Ruhr University Bochum, 1990.
4. D. Duempelmann, "Investigation of melting behaviour of metallic
Glasses with a high speed calorimeter",
Dissertation, Ruhr University Bochum, 1993.
5. R. Wang, "Investigations of the metastable RE-Fe-B based magnetic
materials", Dissertation, Ruhr University Bochum 1995.
1. "Phase Decomposition in the Lanthanide-Cobalt Permanent Magnets",
German Grant Commission, 1977-78.
2. "Chemistry of Ferrites", Interdiciplinary Research Program of the
Ruhr University Bochum, 1978-79.
3. "Dynamic Temperature X-Ray Diffraction Analysis of Amorphous
Iron-Nickel-Boron Alloys", German Grant Commission, 1981-83.
4. "Amorphous Alloys: Relation between Preparation Process and
Physical Properties", German Grant Commission, 1982-1984.
5. "Crystallization Behaviour of the Melt-quenched Amorphous
Magnesium-Zinc Alloys", German Grant Commission, 1984-1985.
6. "Structure Dynamics in Melts and Glass-Formation of Alloys",
German Provincial NRW Govt. Research Program, 1986-1989.
7. "Structural Relations in High Temperature Superconductors",
German Provincial NRW Govt. Research Program, 1989-1991.
8. "Characterization of Si-based 1D & 2D Nanostructures in High
Magnetic Fields", German Provincial NRW Govt. Research
Program, 1993-1998.
1. "Rare Earth - Cobalt Permanent magnet Alloys",
Goldschmidt AG through Dr. Herget, 1971-1975.
2. "Fe-Oxid Magnetic Pigments",
BASF through Dr. Koester, 1977-1980.
3. "Solid State Electrolytes",
BBC through Dr. F. Harbach, 1980.
4. "Preparation of Metallic Glasses and Composite Materials",
DODUCO through Dr. M. Paulus, 1980-1985.
5. "Preparation of Nd-Fe-B Permanent Magnet Alloys",
Ges. Elektrometallurgie Duesseldorf through Dr. Bartsch,
6. "High Pressure and High Temperature Sinter Press"
WEBER Remshalden through Dr. Weber, 1985-1986.
7. "Hyperfine Field in Amorphous Co-B Alloys"
Kernforschungsanlage Juelich through Dr. Luetgenmeyer,
8. "Nd-Fe-B Permanent Magnet RF-Sputtered Thin Films", Physik-Abt.
of Ruhr University Bochum through Dr. Methfessel, 1986-1987.
9. "Physical Properties of M-Al (M=Mn,Cr,Ni) Quasi-Crystals",Physik-
Abt. of Ruhr University Bochum through Dr. Rosenberg,
10. "Establishment of Materials Science Institute at B.Z. University
Multan" through NTP/UNDP, 1982-1990.
11. "High Temperature Superconductors",Center for Solid State Physics
Punjab University, Lahore through Dr. Suleman, 1987-1990.
12. Technical Adviser to ESID (Electronic and Scientific Instru-
mentation Distributors Impot+Export) Bochum, 1987-1992.
13. "Temperature Measurement on Filaments of Mountaineering
Lightening Tubes", CEAG Bochum through Dr. Eglenski, 1988-1989.
14. "Development and Testing of the Temperature Controller and
Regulating System for the Refrigerator Cryostat",
LEYBOLD Koeln(Germany) and Zaventem(Belgium), 1989-1994.
15. "Production of Si-based Solar Cells for Domestic Use",
Fa. EIMS, Hamm (Germany), 1994-1995.
16. "Operation and Installment of Scientific Instrumentaion at the
GIK Institute of Sciences and Technology, Topi, Pakistan"
National Talent Pool, Pakistan, Feb-April, 1994.
17. "Polymers for Electronic Industry",Center for Solid State Physics
Punjab University, Lahore through Dr. Suleman, 1994-1998.
18. Technical Adviser to SIMEL (Scientific & Industrial Machines and
Equipment Limited, Import+Export) Rawalpindi, Pakistan,
19. Visiting Professor (Full Scale) at Lab of Inorganic and Physical
Chemistry, Limburgs University, Diepenbeek, Belgium, for
3 months
from October-December 1995.