Alumnus of the Ruhr-Universität Bochum (Oct 1999 - June 2014) - Google Scholar Profile
Experience and Research abroad
- Center for Advanced Materials
(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) and Center for Particle Astrophysics (CPfA at UC Berkeley, today Berkeley Cosmology Group), California, USA, Prof. E.E. Haller, 2/95-7/95, 1/10/97-30/9/99. See also: MicroLab. Selected publications in Appl. Phys. Lett.: APL 73, 2757 (1998), on near CW Ge lasers; APL 73, 723 (1998), on Si lasers; APL 68, 1359 (1996); APL 68, 3075 (1996).
- NICT National Institute of Communication and Technology, Tokyo, Japan, Dr. N. Hiromoto and Dr. I. Hosako, 11/95, 8/97-9/97, 2000, Center of Excellence program, study of Ge:Ga laser emission using stressed Ge:Ga detectors, Ge maser, and see also this NICT Webpage (former: Ministry of Posts & Telecommunications, Communications Research Laboratory).
Short Visits
- Institute for Physics of Microstructures, Nizhny Novgorod,Russia, (former Institute for Applied Physics), Prof. A.A. Andronov, Dr. V.N. Shastin, Project #95-24-01 by INCAS - The International Center For Advanced Studies, in 10/95, Ge:Ga laser emission resolved by far-infrared grating spectrometer and Schottky diode detector, in 9/91.
- Institute of Solid State Electronics, Vienna University of Technology, Austria, Prof. E. Gornik, Local contact: Dr. W. Heiß,in 11/94, APL 67, 3543 (1995).
- Kuiper Airborne Observatory (KAO), NASA Ames, California,USA, Prof. J. Schmid-Burgk, Prof. H.P. Röser, in 9/93, two KAO astronomical observation flights: investigation of N+ fine-structure emission lines at 203.5 µm in the objects DR21, S106, W49. Pictures of the mission.
- Heriot-Watt-University, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, Prof. C.R. Pidgeon, 7/93, Pidgeon and Brown quasi germanium model.
- High Magnetic Field Laboratory of MPIfF and C.N.R.S., Grenoble, France, Prof. P. Wyder, Local contact: Dr. J.J. Koning, in 4/93, Proposal SE3992: "Direct detection of Si-laseremission".
- University Essex, Colchester, United Kingdom, Prof. M.F. Kimmitt, in 9/92, 2/93, and 8/93, optical pumping experiments of Ge:Ga and Si:B with Q-switched CO2-laser, fabrication of superconducting magnetic coils.
- Ph.D. - (Dr. rer. nat. - grade: A), major: physics; minor: mineralogy; Friedrich-Wilhelms University Bonn
and Max-Planck-Institute for Radioastronomy, 22/4/1994.
- Diploma - (Diplom-Physicist - grade: A), major: physics - experimental physics (elementary particles), applied physics (radio astronomy), theoretical physics; minors: mathematics, inorganic chemistry; Friedrich-Wilhelms University Bonn and MPI for Radioastronomy, 25/1/1991.
- Student, Friedrich-Wilhelms University Bonn, Germany, basic and advanced studies completed in 7 semesters, 9/1985 - 3/1989.
- High School, Gymnasium Haan, Germany, schools finishing best grade 1985, three certificates German national contest of mathematics (Bundeswettbewerb für Mathematik 1982-1985); 6/1976 - 6/1985.
- Doping of germanium and silicon crystals with non-hydrogenic acceptors for far infrared lasers,
Inventors: Eugene E. Haller, Erik Bründermann; U.S. Patent number 6,011,810; Date: 4 January 2000.
- "Kombiniertes Spektroskopieverfahren", DE 10 2008 023 766 A1, 11.11.2010 (combined spectroscopy method)