Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Institut für Geologie, Mineralogie und Geophysik
Mineral surfaces as templates for peptid synthesis in the prebiotic
world: Investigation of the adsorption of water and simple amino acids
at pyrite crystal surfaces
Pyrite (FeS2) is the most common sulfide mineral on earth and an important
electron source in many geo- and biochemical reactions. In the
prebiotic world, in a scenario called “iron-sulphur world“,
pyrite surfaces might have played an important role in the formation of
complex biomolecules, by providing with the external surface a
preferential adsorption site acting as templates for the adsorption of
amino acid molecules in an laterally ordered pattern. This was shown
for the simplest amino acid glycine in numerical simulations so far.
Now the adsorption of glycine on pyrite surfaces should be investigated
experimentally with GIXRD. Thereby, in the iron-sulphur world as well
as in ambient conditions, water plays an important role. It has to be
examined, how the adsorption of the amino acid competes with the
hydration of the surface and how the surface structure itself is
affected by the amount of water (gaseous or liquid) in the environment.
The experimental method used here is grazing
incidence X-ray diffraction (GIXRD), which was already proved to be a
suitable tool for the analysis of single crystal surfaces and
mineral/adsorbate interfaces in experiments on calcite and
fluoro-apatite at ambient conditions.
Within the scope of this project at the Institut für Geologie,
Mineralogie und Gerphysik of the Ruhr-Universität Bochum (chair of
crystallography) a
TV-L 13 ½ position
supported by the Deutsche
Forschungsgemeinschaft with the aim of a PhD degree is available. The
position is limited to a period of two years and can be extended by a
maximum of another additional year.
Aim of the reasearch project (doctoral thesis) is the investigation of
the atomic structure of the (100)- and (210)-surfaces of natural pyrite
single crystals in ambient conditions (at room temperature, normal
pressure and dry atmosphere) and at different hydration stages (humid
atmosphere, liquid water film). Consecutively the interaction of pyrite
surfaces with simple amino acids (glycine) in aqeous solution should be
analysed and compared with theoretical simulations of the iron-sulphur
The main method applied in this project is grazing incidence X-ray
diffraction with synchrotron radiation. The analysis of the
experimental data will be complemented by forcefield-based structure
The PhD-candidate in Bochum will work mainly on the complex analysis of
the experimental GIXRD-data. Accomplishment and analysis of the
experiments are carried out in collaboration with Dr. X. Torrelles from
ICMAB, Barcelona, Spain, so several visits to Barcelona for learning to
handle the analysis software and for the optimization of the structure
refinement are planned. GIXRD experiments are carried out at the ESRF,
Grenoble, France, average beamtime is one week. Three data sets of
pyrite were measured during the last beamtime in 12/2007 and are ready
for analysis. The candidate will propose, prepare and accomplish
following beamtimes, in collaboration with Dr. Torrelles. Surface
topography and roughness of the pyrite single crystal sample will be
checked with the atomic force microscope (AFM) at our institute in
Bochum. Here also additional forcefield simulations will be carried out
in collaboration with PD Dr. K. Angemund, MPI f. Kohlenforschung,
Mülheim a.d. Ruhr, Germany.
The candidate should hold a diploma or MSc in physics, chemistry,
mineralogy or geosciences. A good physical and mathematical background for understandig
surface diffraction techniques and for the accomplishment of
experiments and data analysis is expected. The ability for doing
independent scientific work, flexibility as well as good teamwork are
expected. The candidate should have good knowledge of the English and
German language (if possible). Theoretical or practical knowledge or
skills in using X-ray diffraction techniques will be helpful, but are not required.
The Ruhr-Universität Bochum is committed to equal opportunity in
employment and gender equality in its working environment. To increase
gender distribution in all job categories and at all levels, we
strongly encourage applications from qualified woman.
Applications from appropriately qualified handicapped persons are also encouraged.
Application with the usual documents (c.v., research interests, copies
of diploma/MSc, parts of the diploma or Master thesis, publications (if
available)), as well as further questions can be submitted by mail or
email to:
Dr. Uta Magdans
Institut für Geologie, Mineralogie und Geophysik
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Universitätsstr. 150
44789 Bochum
Tel.: +49(0) 234/32 27546
last modification 23. July 2008