Selected Projects
Since 06/2009: Department Water Balance, Forecasting and Predictions, Federal Institute of Hydrology, Research Scientist
- Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf Wasserstraßen und Schifffahrt - Entwicklung von Anpassungsoptionen
KLIWAS, Forschungsprogramm des BMVBS
- Effects of climate change on the inland waterway networks
- Adaptation to Climate Change in the Alpine Space
AdaptAlp, EU Interreg IV B, Alpine Space Project
06/2003 - 01/2009: Institute of Hydrology, Water Resources Management and Environmental Engineering, Ruhr-University Bochum, Research Assistant
- Doctoral Thesis:
Determination of hydrographs for the risk-based flood design of dams, (in German)
English Abstract
- Joint research project:
Flood Control Management for the River Unstrut, BMBF Research Activity "Risk Management of Extreme Flood Events"
E-mail: |
Bastian.Klein(at) |