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Bicycle, GPS and Psion | ||||||||||
It seems very interesting to navigate with an GPS on a longer cycletour, not to mention the small size of the new devices. They find quite fast the actual location, but without a map (intern or extern) they are worthless. There will be just a bunch of coordinates. A plain GPS is as useful as sheet with just a telephone number written on. Same work ahead is necessary!
The displays show the pages, that are most important for navigation of the Garmin eTrex Summit:
On left the search of the satellites is shown, then a plotter map points the way, in the middle the "bread crumb"-method can be used to find back home and at least waypoints can be used to create routes. Only the "bread crumb"-method can be used directly, simply follow the rainbow and find back home! Now the Psion 5mx enters the stage: With proper software, its half-VGA-screen and not to mention its keyboard, it is very useful on the road to do planning or to edit the recorded data (tracks, waypoints etc.). The software GaRoute connects Garmin-GPS-devices with Psion-PDA's, as well as the software Routeplanner, Citymaps and RealMaps. It is capable to read and write into the memory of the GPS device, the data is stored in the Psion data-format. With these data overlays for the other software can be made, to show the travelled distance for example. The Art Coasting tour gave the chance to try the possibilities of the software Routeplanner und Citymaps because of the compact area of the Beaufort exhibition. Only three maps (Koksijde / Oostende / Brugge) of Citymaps cover the whole coast. With the map of the hiking guide of the exhibition as main information and the software Citymaps a data base with waypoints could be created in the Psion for the Garmin. Every object of the hiking guide could be reached directly, if a bicycle is used. Due to its privilege, the one-ways are no problem. But the Belgium coast must be reached at first... Routeplanner and also the necessary maps should uploaded to the Psion, the map of whole western Europe is not detailed enough. Within the more precise map of the single countries the software works faster and the towns etc. are easier to find.
The aim of the Routeplanner developers wasn't actually to create a tool for cyclists,
The routes created with Routeplanner or Citymaps can now be submitted via the serial link by the help of GaRoute. There are either the normal PC-leads connected with a null-modem-adapter or a special cable (like the serialleads) needed. Prepared like this the route can be used as rough guide for own adventures. Without geeting lost the destination of the day can be reached. Some additional waypoints - like bigger agglomerations - within a corridor of the planned route allow an easier orientation without using an additional map. Conclusion
This link between a Garmin eTrex Summit and a Psion 5mx
with GaRoute with the use of Routeplanner and
Citymaps makes a compact tool of on the road navigation. Positive Negative The author dislikes the energy-consumption of the GPS-device, even when there is extra-supply by an hub-dynamo. Also fits the whole pile of electronical toys (PDA, GPS, Handy & Digi-Cam) not well in the keep it simple attempt of cycle-touring. Psion-Database: Beaufort 2003
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