Invariant Rings and Quasiaffine Quotients
Jörg Winkelmann
We study Hilbert's fourteenth problem from a geometric point of view.
Nagata's celebrated counterexample demonstrates that for an arbitrary
group action on a variety the ring of invariant functions need not
be isomorphic to the ring of functions of an affine variety.
In this paper we will show that nevertheless it is always isomorphic
to the ring of functions on a quasi-affine variety.
Actually we show that, given a field k and a
integrally closed k-algebra R the following
conditions are equivalent:
There exists an irreducible, reduced
k-variety V and a subgroup G of
such that R is isomorphic to the ring of G invariant
k-regular functions on V.
There exists a quasi-affine irreducible, reduced
k-variety V such that
R is isomorphic to the ring of k-regular functions on V.
There exists an affine irreducible, reduced
k-variety V and a regular action
of the additive group Ga
on V defined over k such that
R is isomorphic to the ring of Ga invariant
k-regular functions on V.
Appeared in:
Math. Z. 244, 163-174 (2003)
DOI: 10.1007/s00209-002-0484-9
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