Motion perception deficits in albino ferrets (Mustela putorius furo)
D. Hupfeld, C. Distler & K.-P. Hoffmann
Vision Res. 46:2941-4948, 2006
- Albino ferrets contrary to their pigmented conspecifics show no optokinetic nystagmus. Therefore, in this study
motion perception was compared between pigmented and albino ferrets (Mustela putorius furo) trained to discriminate
between coherently moving random dot patterns and dynamic noise stimuli in a two-alternative forced choice task.
Fully coherently versus incoherently moving patterns could be distinguished by ferrets of both phenotypes. Motion
coherence thresholds, however, were significantly higher in albinos. These results indicate that albino ferrets
are not motion blind as could be expected from their total lack of optokinetic reactions. However, they are severely
impaired in global motion perception.