
Picture of lecuture hall at the end of lecture

Teaching Activities

Picture of Markus Piotrowski

Summer Term

I'm involved in the main lecture (Biologie IV) on Plant Physiology, usally reading "Plant Secondary Metabolism".
I'm also one of three course instructors of our Basic Plant Physiology Lab (Pflanzenphysiologische Übungen)

e-Learning Label 2012 Since 2009 I'm giving a lecture on Green Gene Technology (Green Gene Technology: Genetically-modified food and more), which is open for students of all faculties and can be taken as an Options Module (Optionalbereich) as well as an Graduate Course (for PhD students). The lecture can be taken alone (3 CP) or in combination with a literature seminar (module = lecture + literature seminar = 5 CP) . For more information on this lecture please visit my Blackboard course (Grüne Gentechnik: Genfood und mehr).

Winter Term

In the winter term I take part in the lab courses Biology and Biotechnology of Plants and Microorganisms and Molecular Plant Physiology as well as the lecture series Biotechnology.

Advanced lab courses in my group (4 or 6 weeks, S-Modul or S-Block) can be taken in summer terms as well as in winter terms.

Lecture Series: Biology in the Public Focus

I'm organizing a lecture series on Biology in the Public Focus with lectures and seminars on the following topics: