Nikolay Zotov
eMail: Nikolay.Zotov@ruhr-uni-bochum.de
Meine Anschrift an der Uni ist:
Institut für Werkstoffe
IA 1/34
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
44780 Bochum

Telefonisch bin ich erreichbar unter 0234 / 32-29109
Ein Fax erreicht mich unter 0234 / 32-14325


Personal Details
Date of Birth		26 May 1957
Place of Birth		Sofia, Bulgaria
Marital Status		Married
Citizenship		       Bulgarian

Office Institut fur Werkstoffe Ruhr University Bochum D-44780 Bochum, Germany Email: Nikolay.Zotov@ruhr-uni-bochum.de Tel: +49-234 32 29109 Fax: +49-234 32 14235
Education Ph.D in Chemistry at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria 1991 M.S. in Atomic Physics at the Sofia University, Sofia, Bulgaria, 1982
Habilitation Crystallography at the University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany, 2003
Publications, Talks and Citations 77 papers published in international journals 57 contributions presented at different conferences and workshops more than 500 citations
Professional Grants and Awards Ramon y Cajal Fellowship (Spain) 2004 offered, but not started Diploma Excellence in Reviewing from the American Mineralogist, 1998 Alexander-von-Humboldt Fellowship, University of Munich, 1992 - 1994
Professional Activities Memberships German Physical Society, German Crystallographic Association, Swiss Neutron Association Referee Journal of Alloys and Compound, Intermetallics, American Mineralogist, Geochimica et Cosmocimica Acta, J. Non-Crystalline Solids, Thin Solid Films, Chemical Geology, J. Molecular Structure, J. Chemical Physics, National Science Foundation (USA), Journal of Vibrational Spectroscopy Meetings Co-Organized 4th International Conference on Natural Glasses, Lyon, France 2002 (member of the Organisation Committee) Session X-ray diffuse Scattering at the 17th European Crystallographic Meeting (ECM 17), Lisabon, Portugal, 1997 Academic Positions




77. N. Zotov, J. Feydt, A. Ludwig
Dependence of grain sizes and microstrains on annealing temperature in Fe/Pt multilayers and L10 FePt thin films
Thin Solid Films 517 (2008) 531-537

76. N. Zotov and  A. Ludwig
First principles calculations of the elastic constants of  Fe-Pt alloys
Intermetallics 16  (2008) 113-118

75. N. Zotov and A. Ludwig
Atomic mechanisms of  interdiffusion in metallic multilayers
Materials Science and Engineering C 27 (2007) 1470-1474 

74. N. Zotov, J. Beck, B. Knopp, A. Kirfel
‘Structural study of amorphous Te(II) Halides TeCl2-xIx (x=0.5, 0.19: X-ray Diffraction
and Reverse Monte Carlo Simulations’
Inorganic Chemsitry 46 (2007) 4286 
73.  N. Zotov, J. Fyedt, T. Walther, A. Ludwig
‘Structure of  PtFe/Fe double-period multilayers investigated by X-ray diffraction, reflectivity, diffuse scattering and TEM’
Appl. Surface Science 253 (2006) 128 – 132

72. N. Zotov, J. Feydt, A. Savan and A. Ludwig
Interdiffusion in Fe-Pt  Multilayers
J. Applied Physics 100 (2006) 073517

71. A. Ludwig, N. Zotov, A. Savan, S. Groudeva-Zotova
‘Investigation of  hard magnetic properties in the Fe-Pt system by combinatorial deposition of thin film multilayer libraries’
Applied  Surface Science, 252 (2006) 2518-2523

70. S. Groudeva-Zotova, H. Karl, A. Savan, J. Feydt, B. Wehner, T. Walther, 
N. Zotov, B. Stritzker, A. Ludwig
‘Structural and magnetic characterization of FeCo thin films modified by combinatorial ion implantation’
Thin Solid Films 496 (2006) 169 – 174

69. N. Zotov,  H. Schlenz,  J.  Beck,  B.  Knopp, W.  Schäfer, A.  Kirfel,  P.  Jovari
‘Structural study of amorphous Te2X (X=Br,I) using reverse Monte Carlo simulations’
J. Non-Cryst. Solids 351 (2005) 3095-3104

68. J. Beck, S. Slüter, N. Zotov
‘The polycationic main group elements clusters (As3S5)+ and (As3Se4)+ - Syntheses from chloraluminate melts, crystal structures and vibrational spectra’
Z. Anorg. Allgem. Chem. 631 (2005) 2450-2456

67. N. Zotov, W. Kockelmann, S.D. Jacobsen, I.Mitov, D. Paneva, R.D. Vassileva, I.K. Bonev
‘Structure and cation order in manganilvaite: A combined  X-ray diffraction, neutron
diffraction and Mössbauer Study’
The Canadian  Mineralogist, 43 ( 2005) 1043-1053

66. I.K. Bonev, R.D. Vassileva, N. Zotov, K. Kouzmanov
‘Manganilvaite, CaFe2+ Fe3+ (Mn,Fe2+) (Si2O7)O(OH), a new mineral species of the ilvaite group from Pb-Zn skarn deposits in the Rhodpe Mountains, Bulgaria
The Canadian Mineralogist, 43 (2005) 1027-1043

65. M. Okuno, N. Zotov, M. Schmücker, H. Schneider
'Structure of  SiO2-Al2O3 glasses: Combined X-ray diffraction, IR and Raman studies'
J. Non-Crystalline Solids 351 (2005) 1032-1038 

64. S. Ispas, N. Zotov, S. de Wispelaere, W. Kob
'Vibrational properties of a sodium tetrasilicate glass: Ab initio versus classical force fields'
J. Non-Crystalline Solids 351 (2005) 1144-1150

63. B. Brendebach, F. Reinauer, N. Zotov, M. Funke, R. Glaum, J. Hormes, H. Modrow
'X-ray absorption near edge spectroscopy (XANES) investigation of MnO-doped sodium metaphosphate glasses and crystalline reference materials'
J. Non-Crystalline Solids 351 (2005) 1072-1076 

62. J. Beck, S. Schlüter, N. Zotov
‘The cube-shaped main group element clusters (Bi4S4)4+ and (Bi4Se4)4+ - Synthesis from chloroaluminate melts, crystal structures and vibrational spectra’
Z. Anorg. Allgem. Chem. 630 (2004) 2512 – 2519

61. B.C. Schmidt, N. Zotov, R. Dupree
'Structural implications of water and boron dissolved in albite glass'
J. Non-Cryst. Solids 337 (2004) 207-219

60. N. Zotov, A. Kirfel, B. Beuneu, R. Delaplane, D. Holwein, F. Reinauer, R. Glaum
'Effects of transition metal oxide doping on th structure of sodium metaphosphate glasses'
Physica B 350 (2004) e1071-e1073

59. A. Kirfel, N. Zotov, W. Schäffer
'Neutron diffraction study  of  KNO3 at elevated temperatures'
Physica B 350 (2004) e387-e389 

58. N. Zotov, H. Schlenz, B. Brendebach, H. Modrow, J. Hormes, F. Reinauer, R. Glaum, 
A. Kirfel,  C. Paulmann
'Effects of MnO-doping on the structure of sodium metaphosphate glasses'
Z. Naturforschung 58a  (2003) 419-428

57. N. Zotov
Structure of natural volcanic glasses: diffraction versus spectroscopic perspective
J. Non-Crystalline Solids 323 (2003) 1 - 6

56. N. Zotov
Heat capacity of sodium silicate glasses: comparison of experiments with computer simulations
J. Phys.: Condensed Matter 14 (2002) 11655-11669

55. N. Zotov and H. Keppler
Silica speciation in aqueous fluids at high pressures and high temperatures
Chemical Geology 184  (2002)  71–82

54. N. Zotov, Y. Yanev and  B. Piriou
Time-resolved luminescence of  Fe3+ and Mn2+ ions in hydrous  volcanic glasses
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 29 (2002) 291–299

53. I.V. Veksler, A.M. Dorfman, D.B. Dingwell and N. Zotov
Element partitioning between immiscible borosilicate liquids: A high-temperature centrifuge study
Geochim. et Cosmochim. Acta, 66 (2002) 2603-2614

52. H. Schlenz, A. Kirfel, K. Schulmeister, N. Wartner, W. Mader, W. Raberg, K. Wandelt, C. Oligschleger, S. Bender, R. Franke, J. Hormes, W. Hoffbauer, V. Lansmann, M. Jansen, N. Zotov, C. Marian, H. Putz, J. Neuefeind
Structure analyses of Ba-silicate glasses
J. Non-Cryst. Solids 297 (2002) 37-54

51. N. Zotov
Effects of composition on the vibrational  properties of sodium silicate glasses
J. Non-Crystalline Solids 278 (2001) 231–236

50. B.T. Poe, C. Romano, N. Zotov, G. Gibin and A. Marcelli
Compression mechanisms in alumosilicate melts: Raman and XANES spectroscopy of
glasses quenched from pressures up to 10 Gpa
Chemical Geology 174 (2001) 21-31

49. P.M. Voyles, N. Zotov, S.M. Nakhmason, D.A. Drabold, J.M. Gibson, M.M.J. Treacy and P. Keblinsky
Structure and physical properties of paracrystalline models of amorphous silicon
J. of Applied Physics, 90 (2001) 4437-4451

48. P.J.O’Brien, N. Zotov, R.Law, M.A. Khan and  M.Q. Jan
Coesite in Himalyaan eclogite and implications for models of India-Asia collision geology
Geology 29 (2001) 435–438

47. J.E. Reid., B. Poe, D.C. Rubie, N. Zotov, M. Wiedenbeck
The self-diffusion of silicon and oxygen in diopside (CaMgSi2O6) liquid up to 15 Gpa
Chemical Geology 174 (2001) 77-86

46. N. Zidarov, J. Muchovski, M. Marinov, M. Tarassov and N. Zotov
Ion-mass transport in anhydrous basaltic melts in an electric field
Chemical Geology 174 (2001) 5–61

45. N. Zotov and H. Keppler
In situ Raman spectra of dissolved silica species in aquesous fluids to 900oC and 14 kbar
Am. Mineral. 85 (2000) 600 – 604

44. N. Zotov and  R.G. Delaplane
Structure and crystallization kinetics of sodium tetrasilicate glass: A high temperature neutron diffraction study
Material Science Forum, 321-324 (1999) 535-539

43. N. Zotov, R. Miletich, H. Boysen, H. Tietze and W. Kockelmann
Copper substitution in (Cu,Mn)7O12 Braunite: A Combined neutron and X-ray powder diffraction study
Material Science Forum, 321-324 (1999) 791-795

42.  N. Zotov, I. Ebbsjö, D. Timpel and  H. Keppler
Calculation of Raman spectra and vibrational properties of silicate glasses: Comparison on Na2Si4O9 and SiO2 glasses
Phys. Rev. B, 60 (1999) 6383-6397

41. N. Zotov, M. Marinov, N. Mousseau and G. Barkema
Dependence of the vibrational spectra of amorphous silicon on the defect concentration and ring distibution
J. Phys.: Condensed Matter 11 (1999) 9647-9658

40. N. Zotov  and H. Keppler
The structure of sodium tetrasilicate glass from neutron diffraction, reverse Monte Carlo simulations and Raman spectroscopy
Phys. Chem. Minerals, 25 (1998) 259-267

39.  N. Zotov , H. Keppler
The influence of water on the structure of hydrous sodium tetrasilicate glasses
American Mineralogist, 83 (1998) 823-834

38. N. Zotov, R.G. Delaplane, H. Keppler
Structural changes in sodium tetrasilicate glass around the liquid-glass transition: A neutron diffraction study
Phys. Chem. Minerals, 26 (1998) 107-110

37. G. Deganello, L. Liota, L. Longo, A. Martorana, Y. Yanev  and  N. Zotov
Structure of natural water-containing glasses from Lipari (Italy) and Eastern Rhodopes (Bulgaria) - SAXS, WAXS and IR studies
J. Non-Crystalline Solids, 232-234 (1998) 547-553

36. N. Zotov, F. Bellido and  R. Jimenez-Garay
Structure of Ag-As-Se glasses with high silver content - X-ray diffraction and Reverse Monte Carlo Simulations
J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 209 (1997) 149-158

35. N. Zotov, Ch. Wagner, F. Bellido, L.M. Rodriquez and  R. Jimenez-Garay
Thermal analysis of Ag-As-Se chalcogenide glasses
Thermochim. Acta, 296 (1997) 23-29

34. N. Zotov, R. Jimenez-Garay, F. Bellido, M. Dominguez, A.C. Hannon and  R. Sonntag
Structure of Cu-As-Te glasses - neutron diffraction and reverse Monte Carlo simulations
Physica B (Condensed Matter), 234-236  (1997) 424-425

33. N. Zotov, F. Bellido, M. Domingiuez, R. Jimenez-Garay, A.C.Hannon and R. Sonntag
Effect of copper on the structure and other physical properties of  Cu-As-Te  chalcogenide glasses
J. Phys. Chem. Solids, 58 (1997) 1625-1630

32. M. Marinov and N. Zotov
Model investigation of the Raman spectra of amorphous silicon
Phys. Rev. B, 55 (1997) 2938-2944

31. N. Zotov, M. Marinov, L. Konstantinov
Degree of structural disorder in sodium metasilicate glass - Raman spectroscopy  study
J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 197 (1996) 179–191

30. N. Zotov, H. Keppler, A.C. Hannon, A.K. Soper
The effect of water on the structure of silicate glasses - A neutron diffraction  study
J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 202 (1996) 153–163

29. M. Marinov, N. Zotov and L. Konstantinov
The effect of disorder-induced mode coupling on vibrational spectra of glasses
Z. Phys. B, 101 (1996) 219–225

28. Y. Yanev and N. Zotov
Infrared spectra of water in volcanic glasses
Experiment in Geosciences, 5 (1996) 1-9

27. N. Zotov, F. Frey, H. Boysen, H. Lehnert, A. Hornsteiner, B. Strauss, R. Sonntag, M. Mayer, F. Güthoff and D. Hohlwein
X-ray and neutron diffuse scattering in LiNbO3  from 38 to 1200K
Acta Crystallogr. B51 (1995) 961-972

26. N. Zotov, H. Boysen, C. Romano, D. Dingwell and  Y. Yanev
Neutron diffraction study of feldspar glasses - Mixed alkali effect
J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 191 (1995) 124-131

25. M.G. Kaltchev, A.A. Andreev and N. Zotov
Water - gas shift reaction on CuO/ZnO catalysts I. Structure and catalitic activity”
Kinetics and Katalys,  36 (1995) 821 – 827

24. D. McKeown and N. Zotov, 
X-ray studies of glass structure, In Advanced Mineralogy, Vol. 1, Chapter 4.2,
Ed. A.S. Marfunin, Scientific Publishing Services, Bangalore, India, 1994, p. 254

23. N. Zotov, H. Boysen, F. Frey, T. Metzger and E. Born
Cation substitution models of congruent LiNbO3 investigated by X-ray and neutron powder diffraction
J. Phys. Chem. Solids, 55 (1994) 145-152

22. N. Zotov and D. Parlapanski
X-ray diffraction study of mechanically alloyed amorphous - crystalline titanium silicides
J. Material Science, 29 (1994) 2813-2830

21. N. Zotov, M. Kostova, M. Marinov, B. Michailova and L. Konstantinov
Comparison of  X-ray diffraction and IR spectroscopy methods for determining the degree of crystallinity of silicate heterophase materials
Phys. Chem. Glasses, 35 (1994) 193-197

20. N. Zotov, H. Boysen, J. Schneider amd F. Frey
Application of combined neutron and X-ray powder diffraction refinements to the structure of congruent lithium niobate
Materials Science Forum, 166 - 169 (1994)  631-636

19. M. Atanassov, N. Zotov, C. Friedel, K. Petrov and  D. Rienen
Jahn-Teller distrotions and cation distribution in Cu(II) - Me(II) [Me = Mg, Co] hydroxide nitrate solid solutions - A spectroscopic and structural study
J. Solid State Chemistry, 108 (1994) 37-45

18. B. Michailova, N. Zotov, M. Marinov, J. Nikolov and L. Konstantinov
Vibrational spectra of rings in silicate glasses
J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 168 (1994)  265-275

17. M. Marinov, N. Zotov, B. Michailova, J. Nikolov and L. Konstantinov
The effect of disorder on the Raman spectra of glasses
J. Phys.: Condensed Matter, 6 (1994)  3813-3820

16. K. Petrov, N. Zotov, E. Mirtcheva, O. Garcia-Martinez and  R. Rojas
Effect of composition on the lattice parameters and thermal behaviour of nickel(II) - cobalt(II) hydroxide nitrate solid solutions
J. Material Chemistry, 4 (1994) 611-614

15. M. Tarassov, M. Marinov, L. Konstantinov and  N. Zotov
Raman spectroscopy of ferritungstite: Experimental and model spectra
Phys. Chem. Minerals, 21 (1994) 63-66

14. E. Dinolova, N. Zotov and  L. Konstantinov
X-ray emission K-spectra of silicon in wollastonite and vitreous CaSiO3
Phys. Chem. Glasses, 35 (1994) 185-186

13. N. Zotov and M. Tarassov
X-ray diffraction study of amorphous iron-containing tungsten oxide gels: Radial distribution function analysis
Materials Science Forum, 133 - 136 (1993)  945-950

12. N. Zotov, B. Michailova, M. Marinov and L. Konstantinov
Vibrational spectra of rings in silicate glasses - Calculations on isolated structural units with topological disorder
Physica A, 201 (1993) 402-409

11. N. Zotov, K. Petrov and S. Hrisov
Non-linear compositional dependence of the thermal stability of copper-cobalt hydroxide nitrates
Thermochimica Acta, 198 (1992) 61-70

10. N. Zotov, Y. Yanev, M. Epelbaum and L. Konstantinov
Effect of water on the structure of rhyolite glasses-X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy studies
J.  Non-Cryst. Solids, 142  (1992)  234-246

9. K. Petrov, N. Zotov, O. Garcia-Martinez and R. Rojas
Preparation and X-ray diffraction characterization of two modifications of the cobalt hydroxide nitrate Co(OH)NO3H2O
J. Solid State Chemistry, 101 (1992) 145 – 153

8. N. Zotov
Comparison of single- and  multiple-peak methods for the determination of crystallite size and lattice strain using pseudo-Voigt functions
Materials Science Forum, 79-82 (1991) 123-125

7. N. Zotov and  K. Petrov
Analysis of the dependence of lattice deformations in Cu(II) - Co(II) hydroxide nitrate solid solutions on their composition
J. Appl. Crystallogr., 24 (1991) 227-231

6. N.  Zotov
Review of relationships between different strain tensors
Acta Crystallogr. A46 (1990) 627-628

5. N. Zotov and K. Petrov
X-ray diffraction study of mixed Cu-Co hydroxide nitrates
Z. für Kristallographie, 190  (1990) 235-248

4. N. Zotov, K. Petrov and  M. Dimitrova-Pankova
Infrared spectra of Cu(II) - Co(II) mixed hydroxide nitrates
J. Phys. Chem. Solids, 51  (1990) 1199-1205

3. N. Zotov, V. Dimitriev and Y. Yanev
X-ray radial distribution functions analysis of acid volcanic glasses from the Eastern Rhodopes, Bulgaria
Phys. Chem. Minerals, 16 (1989) 774-782

2. K. Petrov, N.Zotov, O. Garcia-Martinez, P. Millan and R.M. Rojas
Effect of the composition on the lattice parameters and the thermal behaviour of copper(II) - cobalt(II) hydroxide nitrate solid solutions
Reactivity of Solids, 7 (1989)  359-369

1. S.C. Groudeva, M.J. Kanev and N. Zotov
X-ray diffraction study of phase composition and amorphization in magnetron sputter-deposited thin films of stainless steel-titanium
Thin Solid Films, 161 (1988) 223-234


Montag, den 19. Januar 2009