Curriculum Vitae

Oliver Schultz,  Born at 16. February 1972 in Gelsenkirchen

1982 – 1991:

Grammar school „ Heisenberg-Gymnasiums in Gladbeck (Germany)

Summer 1991:

Finishing school with the university-entrance diploma

October 1991 – September 1995:

Soldier at the Naval Airforce, incl. state approved apprenticeship as aircraft mechanic in the „Marinefliegerlehrgruppe“ (Sylt / Germany),
at the Airforce technical school (Kaufbeuren / Germany), at the „Marinefliegergeschwader 2“ (Tarp / Eggebeck /Germany) and at the
„Henschel Flugzeugwerken“ (Kassel / Germany), Certificate as aircraft mechanic at the IHK Kassel im January 1994.
Temporary employment
abroad on Sardinia (Italy),in Goose Bay (Canada), in
Benson (England) and in Oerland (Norway)

University career:

Begin studying engineering at the Ruhr University of Bochum (Germany)

WS 1998 / 99:

Change to Biologie at the Ruhr University of Bochum. Scintific work as student at the Department of Animal Morphology & Sytematics
at the Ruhr University of Bochum (Prof. J.-W. Wägele).

Diploma examinations succesfully pass in SS 2003 in Zoology; Evolutionary Biologie ; Cellbiologie at the Max-Planck Institut in
Dortmund (Germany) and Paläontology.

Zoological study trips to Helgoland (Germany); Banyuls sur mer (France); Giglio (Italy) and paläontological field trips to “Grube Messel”,
Solnhofen and Dotternhausen (Germany)

July 2003:

Diploma work at the Department of Animal Morphology & Sytematics at the Ruhr University of Bochum titled „Molecular phylogeny and
radiation of endemic Orthoptera in Eastafrica “.

05. April 2004:

 Degree in biology with the diploma and admission to the official PhD-List at he Ruhr University of Bochum

since April 2004:

Academic work at the Department of  Animal Morphology & Sytematics at the Ruhr University of Bochum as PhD-student

since December 2005:

Member at the Zoological Research Museum Alexander Koenig in Bonn

January / February 2005 and May / June 2006:

Fieldwork in Tansania (Eastafrica)

Phaneroptera sparsa