1The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, International Genealogical Index (R), Copyright (c) 1980, 2002, data as of May 10, 2005.
2The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, International Genealogical Index (R).
3KB Xanten, St. Victor (kath.), Heiraten 1657-1842, S. 83.
1KB Xanten, St. Victor (kath.), Heiraten 1657-1842, S. 83.
1Standesamt Sonsbeck, Heiraten 1799-1875.
1Standesamt Sonsbeck, Heiraten 1799-1875.
Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Matsmann
1The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, International Genealogical Index (R), Copyright (c) 1980, 2002, data as of May 10, 2005.
1The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, International Genealogical Index (R), Copyright (c) 1980, 2002, data as of May 10, 2005.
2The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, International Genealogical Index (R).
1Standesamt Sonsbeck, Heiraten 1799-1875.
1Standesamt Sonsbeck, Heiraten 1799-1875.
1Pfalzdorf (ev.), Geburten 1750-1875 (Buchstaben H-K), http://www.verhohlen.privat.t-online.de/pfgH.htm.
2Pfalzdorf (ev.), Geburten 1750-1875 (Buchstaben H-K).
1Pfalzdorf (ev.), Sterbefälle 1752-1875 (Buchstaben A-K), http://www.verhohlen.privat.t-online.de/pfs_a.htm
2Pfalzdorf (ev.), Sterbefälle 1752-1875 (Buchstaben A-K).
3Pfalzdorf (ev.), Sterbefälle 1752-1875 (Buchstaben A-K).
1The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, International Genealogical Index (R), Copyright (c) 1980, 2002, data as of May 10, 2005.
2Pfalzdorf (ev.), Sterbefälle 1752-1875 (Buchstaben A-K), http://www.verhohlen.privat.t-online.de/pfs_a.htm