New Paper in COMMA “Towards an Argumentative Unification of Default Reasoning”

Kees van Berkel, Christian Straßer and Zheng Zhou have a new paper out in COMMA 2024 on an argumentative unification of default reasoning.

Here’s the abstract:

We propose a novel knowledge representation method for the Default Logic paradigm by developing a class of proof-calculi that yield arguments and counterarguments in which defaults serve as explicit objects of reasoning. The proposed formalism allows for more transparent default reasoning and the use of explainability methods in formal argumentation. In particular, we provide a sound and complete argumentative characterization of Default Logic, by demonstrating that argumentation frameworks instantiated by the arguments derivable in our calculi yield the same inference relation as that of Default Logic. The modularity of our approach allows for various modifications and extensions of Default Logic. We illustrate this by extending our calculi with disjunctive defeasible reasoning.