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What to take away from this?

While developing the application, there were a few things that stood out for me (although some of them are probably obvious):

  • Before making a timeline, get to know your tools
    • I didn't have enough knowledge of the framework I was using to develop a useful plan
    • Modeling in UML only works if you know what the language and framework are capable of
    • Using Python like Java doesn't work
    • Importing classes from Notebooks seemed easier/ possible at the first glance
  • Define the core features before starting to code and define priorities for the remaining features
    • I lost a lot of time on features that aren't essential to core functionality like LoadScreen, StatusScreen, testing classes/methods (arguable)
    • Build everything around core functionality, a pretty application is no use if it doesn't work properly
    • Ideas for more features introduced a lot of side quests, which killed time that could've been used in creating core functionality
  • Program/ Implement in small steps and test + commit EVERYTHING
    • After planning the layout of my classes I started implementation in big steps, without testing or commiting in between
    • Implementing big structures without testing in a language and framework you're not a pro in, is a bad idea
    • I had to do a lot of correction and copy + paste, because I sometimes forgot to commit new stuff for a few hours and couldn't go back to it or lost it