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Cover Ecology 2009 Cover Oecologia 2014 Cover Ecology Letters 2016 Cover JEB 2016 Cover JEB 2024 Cover Biotropica 2025

Henske, J., De Dijn, B.P.E, Eltz, T. (2025) Non-floral scent sources of orchid bees: observations and significance. Biotropica 57, e13395. PDF

Eltz, T., Mende, T., Ramírez S.R. (2024) Evolution of acquired perfumes and endogenous lipid secretions in orchid bees. Journal of Chemical Ecology 50, 430-438. PDF

Henske, J., Eltz, T. (2024) Age-dependent perfume development in male orchid bees, Euglossa imperialis. Journal of Experimental Biology 227. PDF Inside JEB

Henske, J., Saleh, N.W., Chouvenc, T., Ramírez, S.R., Eltz, T. (2023) Function of environment-derived male perfumes in orchid bees. Current Biology 33, 2075-2080. PDF Nature Research Highlight

Herrera-Mesías, F., Bause, C., Ogan, S., Burger, H., Ayasse, M., Weigand, A.M., Eltz, T. (2022) Double-blind validation of alternative wild bee identification techniques: DNA metabarcoding and in vivo determination in the field. Journal of Hymenoptera Research 93, 189–214. PDF

Virgo, J., Eltz, T. (2022) Feeding site specificity in frog-biting midges (Corethrellidae). Journal of Insect Behavior 35, 155-159. PDF

Saleh, N.W., Hodgson, K., Pokorny, T., Mullins, A., Chouvenc, T., Eltz, T., Ramirez, S.R. (2021) Social behavior, ovary size, and population of origin influence cuticular hydrocarbons in the orchid bee Euglossa dilemma. American Naturalist 198, E136-E151. PDF

Virgo, J., Ufermann, L., Lampert, K.P., Eltz, T. (2021) More than meets the eye: decrypting diversity reveals hidden interaction specificity between frogs and frog-biting midges. Ecological Entomology 47, 95-108. PDF

Brand P., Hinojosa-Díaz I.A., Ayala R., Daigle M., Yurrita Obiols C.L., Eltz T., Ramírez S.R. (2020) The evolution of sexual signaling is linked to odorant receptor tuning in perfume-collecting orchid bees. Nature Communications 11:244. PDF

Pokorny T., Millahn E., Schlütting P., Ramírez S.R., Eltz T. (2019) Correlates of display activity and perch residency of male orchid bees in cage experiments. Acta ZooBot Austria 156:159-169. PDF

Virgo J., Ruppert A., Lampert K.P., Grafe T.U., Eltz T. (2019) The sound of a blood meal: Acoustic ecology of frog‐biting midges (Corethrella) in lowland Pacific Costa Rica. Ethology 125:465-475. PDF

Eltz T., Josten S., Mende T. (2019) Stored perfume dynamics and consequences for signal development in male orchid bees. Journal of Comparative Physiology a-Neuroethology Sensory Neural and Behavioral Physiology 205:311-320. PDF

Hedenström E, Andersson F, Sjöberg N, Eltz T (2018) 6-(4-Methylpent-3-en-1-yl)naphthalene-1,4-dione, a behaviorally active semivolatile in tibial perfumes of orchid bees. Chemoecology 28:131–135. PDF

Kämper W., Blüthgen N., Eltz T. (2017) Bumblebee footprints on bird’s-foot trefoil uncover increasing flower visitation with land-use intensity. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 240: 77-83. PDF

Pokorny P., Vogler I., Losch R., Schlütting P., Juarez P., Bissantz N., Ramirez S.R., Eltz T. (2017) Blown by the wind: the ecology of male courtship display behavior in orchid bees. Ecology 99: 1140-1152. PDF

Kämper W., Weiner C., Kühsel S., Storm C., Eltz T., Blüthgen N. (2017) Evaluating the effects of floral resource specialisation and of nitrogen regulation on the vulnerability of social bees in agricultural landscapes. Apidologie, 48:371–383. PDF

Weber M. G., Mitko L., Eltz T., Ramírez S. R. (2016) Macroevolution of perfume signaling in orchid bees. Ecology Letters 19: 1314-1323. PDF

Mitko L., Weber M. G., Ramírez S. R., Hedenström E., Wcislo W. T., Eltz T. (2016) Olfactory specialization for perfume collection in male orchid bees. Journal of Experimental Biology 219: 1467-1475. PDF Inside JEB

Kämper W., Werner K. P., Hilpert A., Westphal C., Blüthgen N., Eltz T., Leonhardt, S. D. (2016) How landscape, pollen intake and pollen quality affect colony growth in Bombus terrestris. Landscape Ecology 31: 2245–2258 PDF

Pokorny T., Ramírez S. R., Weber M. G., Eltz T. (2015) Cuticular hydrocarbons as potential close range recognition cues in orchid bees. Journal of Chemical Ecology 41: 1080-1094. PDF

Brand P., Ramirez S. R., Leese F., Quezada-Euan J. J. G., Tollrian R., Eltz T. (2015) Rapid evolution of chemosensory receptor genes in a pair of sibling species of orchid bees (Apidae: Euglossini). BMC Evolutionary Biology 15 PDF

Quezada-Euan J. J. G., Sheets H. D., De Luna E., Eltz T (2015) Identification of cryptic species and morphotypes in male Euglossa: morphometric analysis of forewings (Hymenoptera: Euglossini). Apidologie 46: 787-795. PDF

Eltz, T., Bause, C., Hund, K., Quezada-Euan, J. J. G., Pokorny, T. (2015) Correlates of perfume loads in male orchid bees. Chemoecology 25: 193-198. PDF

Eltz, T., Küttner, J., Lunau, K., Tollrian, R. (2015) Plant secretions prevent wasp parasitism in nests of wool-carder bees, with implications for the diversification of nesting materials in Megachilidae. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 2: 1-7. PDF

Pokorny, T., Loose D., Dyker G., Quezada-Euan J.J.G., Eltz T. (2015) Dispersal ability of male orchid bees and direct evidence for long-range flights. Apidologie 46: 224-237. PDF

Lampert K. P., Pasternak V., Brand P., Tollrian R., Leese F., Eltz T. (2014) ‘Late’ male sperm precedence in polyandrous wool-carder bees and the evolution of male resource defence in Hymenoptera. Animal Behaviour, 90, 211-217.PDF

Pokorny T., Lunau K., Eltz T. (2014) Raising the sugar content – orchid bees overcome the constraints of suction feeding through manipulation of nectar and pollen provisions. PLoS ONE 9. PDF

Pokorny T., Lunau K., Quezada-Euan J. J. G., Eltz T. (2014) Cuticular hydrocarbons distinguish cryptic sibling species in Euglossa orchid bees. Apidologie, 45, 276-283

Pokorny T., Hannibal M., Quezada-Euan J. J. G., Hedenström E., Sjöberg J., Bång J., Eltz T. (2013) Acquisition of species-specific perfume blends: Influence of habitat-dependent compound availability on odour choices of male orchid bees (Euglossa spp.). Oecologia 172: 417-425. PDF

Villanueva R. A., Quezada-Euan J. J. G., Eltz T. (2013) Pollen diets of two sibling orchid bee species, Euglossa, in Yucatán, southern Mexico. Apidologie 44: 440-446 PDF

Quezada-Euan J. J. G., Ramirez J., Eltz T., Pokorny T., Medina R., Monsreal R. (2013) Does sensory deception matter in eusocial obligate food robber systems? A study of Lestrimelitta and stingless bee hosts. Animal Behavior 85: 817-823. PDF

Lunau K., Dötterl S., Eltz T. (2012) Attraction of Euglossa igniventris females to odorous substances. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für allgemeine und angewandte Entomologie 18: 305-308. PDF

Ramírez S. R., Eltz T., Fujiwara M. K., Gerlach G., Goldman-Huertas B., Tsutsui N. D. & Pierce N. E. (2011) Asynchronous diversification in a specialized plant-pollinator mutualism. Science 333: 1742-1746. PDF

Eltz T., Fritzsch F., Ramírez Pech J., Zimmermann Y., Ramírez S. R., Quezada-Euan J. J. G. & Bembé B. (2011) Characterization of the orchid bee Euglossa viridissima (Apidae: Euglossini) and a new cryptic sibling species by morphological, chemical, and genetic characters. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 163: 1064–1076. PDF

Schorkopf D. L. P., Mitko L. & Eltz T. (2011) Enantioselective preference and high antennal sensitivity for (-)-ipsdienol in scent-collecting male orchid bees, Euglossa cyanura. Journal of Chemical Ecology 37:953–960. PDF

Zimmermann Y., Schorkopf D. L. P., Moritz R. F. A. , Pemberton R. W. , Quezada-Euan J. J. G. & Eltz T. (2011) Population genetic structure of orchid bees (Euglossini) in anthropogenically altered landscapes. Conservation Genetics 12:1183–1194. PDF

Lunau K., Papiorek S., Eltz T., Sazima M. (2011) Avoidance of achromatic colours by bees provides a private niche for hummingbirds. Journal of Experimental Biology 214:1607-1612.

Witjes S., Witsch,K. & Eltz, T. (2011) Reconstructing the pollinator community and predicting seed set from hydrocarbon footprints on flowers. Oecologia 165:1017-1029. PDF

Eltz T. (2010) Sag’s durch die Blume: Evolution des Parfümsammelns der Prachtbienen (Euglossini). Entomologie heute 22:3-16. PDF

Souza R. O., Del Lama M. A., Cervini M., Mortari N., Eltz T., Zimmermann Y., Bach C., Brosi B. J., Suni S., Quezada-Euan J. J. G. & Paxton R. J. (2010) Conservation genetics of neotropical pollinators revisited: microsatellite analysis suggests that diploid males are rare in orchid bees. Evolution 64: 3318-3326. PDF

Eltz T., Hedenström E., Bang J., Wallin E. A. & Andersson J. (2010) (6R, 10R)-6,10,14-Trimethylpentadecan-2-one, a dominant and behaviorally active component in male orchid bee fragrances. Journal of Chemical Ecology 36: 1322-1326. PDF

Ramírez S. R., Eltz T., Fritzsch F., Pemberton R. W., Pringle E. G. & Tsutsui N.D. (2010) Intraspecific geographic variation of fragrances acquired by orchid bees in native and introduced populations. Journal of Chemical Ecology 36: 873-884. PDF

Brühl C. A. & Eltz T. (2010) Fuelling the biodiversity crisis: Species loss of ground-dwelling forest ants in oil palm plantations in Sabah, Malaysia (Borneo). Biodiversity and Conservation 19: 519-529. PDF

Witjes S. & Eltz T. (2009) Hydrocarbon footprints as a record of bumblebee flower visitation. Journal of Chemical Ecology 35:1320-1325. PDF

Zimmermann Y., Ramírez S. R. & Eltz T. (2009) Chemical niche differentiation among sympatric species of orchid bees. Ecology 90: 2994-3008. PDF

Zimmermann Y., Roubik D. W., Quezada-Euan J. J. G., Paxton R. J.   Eltz T. (2009) Single mating in orchid bees (Euglossa, Apinae) and implications for mate choice and social evolution. Insectes Sociaux 56:241-249. PDF

Eltz T., Zimmermann Y., Pfeiffer C., Ramírez Pech J., Twele R., Francke W., Quezada-Euan J.J.G. ,  Lunau, K. (2008)An olfactory shift is associated with male perfume differentiation and species divergence in orchid bees. Current Biology 18, 1844-1848. PDF Dispatch by Duncan Jackson

Wilms, J. & Eltz, T., 2008. Foraging scent marks of bumblebees: footprint cues rather than pheromone signals. Naturwissenschaften 95: 149-153. PDF

Eltz, T., Zimmermann, Y., Haftmann, J., Twele, R., Francke, W., Quezada-Euan, J. J. G. & Lunau, K., 2007. Enfleurage, lipid recycling, and the origin of perfume collection in orchid bees. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 274: 2843-2848. PDF  Nature Research Highlight

Witjes, S. & Eltz, T., 2007. Influence of scent deposits on flower choice: experiments in an artificial flower array with bumblebees. Apidologie 38: 12-18. PDF

Leonhardt, S.D., Dworschak, K., Eltz, T. & Blüthgen, N., 2007. Foraging loads of stingless bees and utilisation of stored nectar for pollen harvesting. Apidologie 38: 125-135.

Eltz T., Ayasse M. & Lunau K, 2006. Species-specific antennal response to tibial fragrances in male orchid bees. Journal of Chemical Ecology 32: 71-79 PDF

Eltz T., 2006. Tracing pollinator footprints on natural flowers. Journal of Chemical Ecology 32: 907-915 PDF

Zimmermann, Y., Roubik, D. W. & Eltz T., 2006. Species-specific attraction to pheromonal analogues in orchid bees. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 60: 833-843. PDF

Eltz, T., Sager, A. & Lunau, K., 2005. Juggling with volatiles: exposure of perfumes by displaying male orchid bees. Journal of Comparative Physiology A 191: 575-581. PDF HTML

Gawleta, N., Zimmermann, Y. & Eltz, T., 2005. Repellent foraging scent recognition across bee families. Apidologie, 36:330. PDF

Eltz T. & Lunau K., 2005. Antennal response to fragrance compounds in male orchid bees. Chemoecology 15: 135-138. PDF

Eltz T., Roubik D.W. & Lunau K., 2005. Experience-dependent choices ensure species-specific fragrance accumulation in male orchid bees. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 59: 149-156. PDF

Eltz, T., 2004. Spatio-temporal variation of apine bee attraction to honeybaits in Bornean forests. Journal of Tropical Ecology, 20: 317-324. PDF

Budde, J., Reckert, A., Sporer, F., Wink, M., Eltz, T. & Lunau, K. 2004. Contributions to the evolution of oligolecty in solitary bees of the genus Andrena. Entomologie heute 16: 191-200.

Eltz, T. 2003. Duftakkumulation bei Prachtbienen (Euglossini): Mechanismen, Muster, offene Fragen. Verhandlungen des Westdeutschen Entomologentages 2002, 11-30.

Eltz, T., Roubik, D.W., & Whitten, W.M., 2003. Fragrances, male display and mating behaviour of Euglossa hemichlora - a flight cage experiment. Physiological Entomology 28: 251-260. PDF

Brühl, C.A., Eltz, T., & Linsenmair, K.E., 2003. Size does matter - Fragmentation of tropical rain forests in Sabah Malaysia and the effects on the leaf litter ant community. Biodiversity and Conservation 12: 1371-1389. PDF

Eltz, T., C. A. Brühl, S. van der Kaars & K. E. Linsenmair, 2002. Determinants of stingless bee nest density in lowland dipterocarp forests of Sabah, Malaysia. Oecologia 131: 27-34. PDF HTML.

Eltz, T., C. A. Brühl & C. Görke, 2002. Collection of mold (Rhizopus sp.) spores in lieu of pollen by the stingless bee Trigona (Tetragonula) collina. Insectes Sociaux 49: 28-30. PDF

Eltz, T., C. A. Brühl, I. Zamrie & K. E. Linsenmair, 2002. Nesting and nest trees of stingless bees (Apidae: Meliponinae) in lowland dipterocarp forests in Sabah, Malaysia, with implications for forest management. Forest Ecology and Management 172: 301-313. PDF

Eltz, T., C. A. Brühl, S. van der Kaars, V. K. Chey & K. E. Linsenmair, 2001. Pollen foraging and resource partitioning of stingless bees in relation to flowering dynamics in a Southeast Asian tropical rainforest. Insectes Sociaux 48: 273-279. PDF

Eltz, T., C. A. Brühl, S. van der Kaars & K. E. Linsenmair, 2001. Assessing stingless bee pollen diet by analysis of garbage pellets: a new method. Apidologie 32: 285-396. PDF

Eltz, T., 2001. Ecology of stingless bees (Apidae, Meliponini) in lowland dipterocarp forests in Sabah, Malaysia, and an evaluation of logging impact on populations and communities. Dissertation, Universität Würzburg, 158 S. PDF

Eltz, T. & C. A. Brühl, 2001. Ecological evaluation of forest management using leaf-litter ants and stingless bees as indicators. ISBN 3-933984-89-0. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ), Eschborn, 59 S.

Eltz, T., W. M. Whitten, D. W. Roubik & K. E. Linsenmair, 1999. Fragrance collection, storage, and accumulation by individual male orchid bees. Journal of Chemical Ecology 25: 157-176. PDF

Malkmus, R., Brühl, C. A. & T. Eltz, 1999. Amfibien en reptilen van Deramakot (Sabah, Maleisie). Lacerta 75: 191-199.

Eltz, T., 1997. Foraging in the ant-lion Myrmeleon mobilis Hagen 1888 (Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae): Behavioral flexibility of a sit-and-wait predator. Journal of Insect Behavior 10: 1-11.

Eltz, T., M. Schmid & D. W. Roubik, 1997. Haploid karyotypes of two species of orchid bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae, Euglossini). Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 70: 142-144.

Eltz, T., 1997. Zur Duftstoffbiologie neotropischer Prachtbienen (Apidae: Euglossini). Diplomarbeit, Universität Würzburg, 104 S.