Michael Drieschner's list of publications


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Encyclopedia articles:

-: Materiewelle, vol. 5 (1980) col. 925–926
-: Meßprozeß, vol. 5 (1980) col. 1166–1168.
-: Mikrophysik, vol. 5 (1980) col. 1391.
-: Quantelung, vol. 7 (1989) col. 1782.
-: Quantenmechanik, vol. 7 (1989) col. 1786–1789.
-: Universum, vol. 11 (2001) col. 221–226.
-: Unschärferelation, Unbestimmtheitsrelation, vol. 11 (2001) col. 261–263.
-: Wellenmechanik, vol. 12 (2005) col. 401–403
-: Weltformel, vol. 12 (2005) col. 470–471
-: Wirkungsquantum, vol. 12 (2005) col. 850–851

In: J. Speck (ed.): Handbuch wissenschaftstheoretischer Begriffe. Göttingen (UTB) 1980, vol. 3, p. 653–655.

In: Kindlers Literaturlexikon. München (Kindler) 2nd ed.1990.

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eMail: Michael.Drieschner (at) rub[dot]de