Yinwenzi 大 道 上 /下 (SBBY 1a.4 - 19b.8 ) |
Zhenguan zhengyao 貞 觀 政 要 卷 一 (君 道 第 一 / 政 體 第 二)
Han Yu (768-824) 原 道 ( SBBY 11.1a - 11.5a ) |
Li Gou ( 1009-1059) 禮 論 (SBCK / SKQS) |
Notes and References
尹 文 子 |
- My electronic text is based on :
- SBBY edition (四 部 備 要 164)
- SBCK edition (四 部 叢 刊 )
- The numbers in brackets such as this, 【 】 , which appear throughout the electronic text, refer to the page numbers in the SBBY edition.
- The numbers in brackets such as this, ( ) , are footnotes; click on the number to read footnote. In the footnote section, clicking on Back will return you to the text.
- Chinese characters like these, 哲 學 , which appear in the footnote section, indicate that this part of the text is identical with the Yinwenzi text.
- Reference materials :
- 中 文 大 辭 典 (普 及 本 ), 10 vols., Taibei, 1994.
- 春 秋 左 傳 正 義 : SBBY 14.
- 論 語 正 義 : SBBY 30.
- 孔 子 家 語 : SBBY 133.
- 荀 子 : SBBY 162.
- 老 子 : SBBY 165.
- 莊 子 : SBBY 166.
- Chan, Wing-tsit (1973), A Source Book in Chinese Philosophy, Princeton.
- Knoblock, John (1988-1994), Xunzi : A Translation and Study of the Complete Works, 3 vols., Stanford.
- Legge, James (1994), The Chinese Classics, vol. I-V, reprint, Taibei.
貞 觀 政 要 |
- My electronic text is based on :
- SBBY edition (四 部 備 要 136)
韓 愈 |
- My electronic text is based on :
- SBBY edition (四 部 備 要 214)
- The numbers in brackets such as this, 【 】 , which appear throughout the electronic text, refer to the page numbers in the SBBY edition.
李 覯 |
- My electronic texts are based on :
- SBCK edition (四 部 叢 刊 86)
- SKQS edition (四 庫 全 書 1095)
- The numbers in brackets such as this, 【 】 , which appear throughout the electronic text, refer to the page numbers in the SBCK / SKQS edition.